Competition Phases, Eligibility,
and Process

1. Competition Phases:

Phase 1: Eligibility Phase:

The competition is held completely online this year. Sign up for the online competition by filling out the google form and attaching a 3-5 minute video showing the preparation of the dish. The deadline to submit the registration is Friday, December 2th, 2022.
The videos of the accepted entries will be published on our FB fan page on December 2th, 2022. please invite friends and relatives to like and share the videos.

Phase 2: Facebook Popularity Vote Phase:

The number of FB likes for each video will be converted to a standard score(20/the number of the most likes*the number of likes for each entry).
The voting result will be published on Friday, December 23rd, 2022 .

Phase 3: Final Phase:

The judging pane will score and comment on all the accepted entries. The winning entries will be decided based on the score(80%) given by the judge panel as well as the score of Phase 2(20%). The results will be published on Saturday, December 24th, 2022.

2. Eligibility:

Student Group: All registered students aged 15-23 in senior high schools, colleges, and universities across the country are eligible to sign up for the competition, with one person per group. Each school is limited to 3 groups. Students aged 24 or above should sign up as professional groups.

Professional Group: All catering professionals are eligible to sign up for the competition, with one person per group. Each unit/institution is limited to 3 groups.

3. Competition Theme-Vegan Culinary Competition 2022:

1. Please use “Sweet Chili Sauce” and “Fresh Rattan Seed Mala Sauce” from Pao Chung as the designated sauces in your dish. For more information, please visit the official website:

2. Pao Chung Company has long been committed to the development and promotion of safe and healthy products without additives, so the theme of this competition is
"Vegan Cuisine". Alcohol, eggs, dairy products, five-pungent ingredients, processed vegetarian products, and meat-based seasonings are all prohibited. Only fresh vegan ingredients are acceptable. Try to adopt seasonal ingredients from all over Taiwan, and make the best use of the local agricultural specialties and dietary features to promote local delicacies.

3. All plating decorations must be edible.

4. The design of the works should take the concept of health as the main principle for selecting the cooking methods and materials.

4. Required Format of the Video:

1. Length: The Length is less than 5 minutes.

2. Act 1: This act requires a photo of the competitor holding the work in his/her hands, the name of the competitor, participating school/institution, and the name of the instructor. The scene should be about 5 seconds.

3. Act 2: This act requires four photos of the finished work taken from four different angles or a short film of the work turning around on a turntable for 10-15 seconds.

4. Act 3: This act requires the introduction of design ideas and the recipe for your dish presented either in text images or short videos. Please stick to the competition theme and abide by the rules about the ingredients. No food waste is allowed.

5. Act 4: The competitor is required to present in this act cooking the dish with a neat and clear background and maintaining high a level of hygiene. Moderate editing of the video, such as cutting and fast forwarding, is allowed to meet the length requirement.

6. Please note the format of the uploaded videos should come in the supported Youtube file formats, like MPEG-2 or MPEG-4, with a resolution equal to or better than 480P to make sure smooth playback.

7. Sample Video

5. Judging Criteria:

Phase 1: Eligibility Phase(10%)

The entry criteria are based on the completeness of the registration information and whether it meets the competition regulations. The menu design must comply with the competition theme mentioned in the fourth point.

Phase 2: Facebook Popularity Vote Phase(20%)

The score is based on the number of likes, from the most likes to the least likes. The full score of this item is 20 points. Please share and like the players in each group to get likes. Any individual buying likes is not allowed, which when verified to be true will reset the number of likes to zero.

Phase 3: Final Phase(70%)

The professional judges will evaluate the competitors' works based on the following key points:

  1. A. Pao Chuag designated sauce application and flavor display 20%
  2. B. Correct and Professional Operation 30%: including knife skills, heat, creativity, and health principles, the coordination of the overall cooking method of ingredients and seasoning, and the cleanliness of the workbench, from which the level of hygiene can be judged. 10 points will be deducted from this item for wasting ingredients.
  3. C. Dish Presentation 20%: clean and creative plate layout, which balances creativity and practicability(not deformed and collapsed when serving) and includes the elements of aesthetics, the value of appreciation, elegant presentation, and modern style. No glue is required, and the finished product must have a simple theme background.


Awards Score Prize
Gold Medal 90 ~ 100 points one medal for each entry.
Silver Medal 80 ~ 89 points one medal for each entry.
Bronze Medal 70 ~ 79 points one medal for each entry.

6. Registration Steps

1. Please go to the Google form link , and fill out the registration form without a registration fee.
(Please upload 1. photo of your work 2. personal photo 3. sign and scan into PDF the Copyright Consent Form for the use of your photos)

2. The organizer will do a preliminary review and send the "Registration Confirmation Letter" by e-mail within three days.

3. Please visit PaoChung Facebook Fan Page for all the updated news about the competition.

7. Competition Process

8. Organizer:TUMT

9. Co-organizer:PaoChung